Left Handed Golf Question: Will restricting my hip turn increase my power (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: Will restricting my hip turn increase my power (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: Will restricting your hip turn increase the power that you have in your golf swing? It’s not an easy answer this one really because it applies very differently to different golfers. On the PGA Tour and the most flexible athletes in the world you’d probably say yes it would do. So as a flexible golfer you might be able to create the 90 degree shoulder rotation without the hip turn.


Lefties only golf tip: Will restricting your hip turn increase the power that you have in your golf swing? It’s not an easy answer this one really because it applies very differently to different golfers. On the PGA Tour and the most flexible athletes in the world you’d probably say yes it would do. So as a flexible golfer you might be able to create the 90 degree shoulder rotation without the hip turn.