Left Handed Golf Question: Why Do Players Stand Behind The Golf Ball During Their Set Up Routine (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: Why Do Players Stand Behind The Golf Ball During Their Set Up Routine (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: Why do players stand behind the golf ball before they hit their golf shot? Well there’s two main reasons for players doing this, first of all you need to have a really good look at the target and if you stand directly behind the golf ball so you are in line with the golf ball and where you want to the golf ball to go,


Lefties only golf tip: Why do players stand behind the golf ball before they hit their golf shot? Well there’s two main reasons for players doing this, first of all you need to have a really good look at the target and if you stand directly behind the golf ball so you are in line with the golf ball and where you want to the golf ball to go,