Left Handed Golf Question: Whats the best way to improve my lag putting (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: Whats the best way to improve my lag putting (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: We often find that golfers out of the course really struggle with judging their distance with their long and lagged putts. When I talk to people about why this is, they almost seem to sort of not take any responsibility for it, not take any of the blame, they just say, “Oh well I don’t have the touch and I don’t have the feel.”


Lefties only golf tip: We often find that golfers out of the course really struggle with judging their distance with their long and lagged putts. When I talk to people about why this is, they almost seem to sort of not take any responsibility for it, not take any of the blame, they just say, “Oh well I don’t have the touch and I don’t have the feel.”