Left Handed Golf Question: What Should I Watch For When Practicing On Mats (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: What Should I Watch For When Practicing On Mats (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: What should I watch for when practicing on mats? Now a lot of people practice on range mats so at driving ranges, not out on the grass, just because they are a little bit more kind of durable, and the green keepers don’t have to keep shoveling seed and growing grass to replace the increasing amount of divots.


Lefties only golf tip: What should I watch for when practicing on mats? Now a lot of people practice on range mats so at driving ranges, not out on the grass, just because they are a little bit more kind of durable, and the green keepers don’t have to keep shoveling seed and growing grass to replace the increasing amount of divots.