Left Handed Golf Question: What Is Meant By Spine Angle And How Can It Help My Golf Game (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: What Is Meant By Spine Angle And How Can It Help My Golf Game (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: What is meant by spine angle and how can it help my golf game? Well spine angle really is looking at what’s called your golf posture. And what we’re looking at here is the angle that you set your spine at in your address position, this is very, very influential as how you're then going to actually subsequently swing the club around you.


Lefties only golf tip: What is meant by spine angle and how can it help my golf game? Well spine angle really is looking at what’s called your golf posture. And what we’re looking at here is the angle that you set your spine at in your address position, this is very, very influential as how you're then going to actually subsequently swing the club around you.