Left Handed Golf Question: How Can Knowing My Club Yardages Improve My Golf (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: How Can Knowing My Club Yardages Improve My Golf (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: How can knowing my club yardages improve my golf? Well if you know how far you hit the ball that’s massively going to affect your confidence and then your commitment to the shot, so if you know your club yardages its really going to help you to be more positive when you’re on the golf course and when you’re playing your shots.


Lefties only golf tip: How can knowing my club yardages improve my golf? Well if you know how far you hit the ball that’s massively going to affect your confidence and then your commitment to the shot, so if you know your club yardages its really going to help you to be more positive when you’re on the golf course and when you’re playing your shots.