Stay On Top of Your Game: Garmin brings you the ultimate Approach S3 GPS Golf Watch. The high resolution touch screen is totally readable in the sunlight. With the easy to use touch screen you just touch and move the pin with just your finger. It is so simple to move the arrow to pin point the day’s location. In addition with the manual pin position you will get the advantage of obtaining precise distances from over 38,000 courses internationally. The pin point feature will definitely help to improve your game. You will find that the touch screen is very simple to use and usable while wearing your gloves. The Approach S3 is available in White with Red Trim and Black with Gray Trim.
The Garmin Approach S3 GPS Watch will also allow you to get RSS alerts, texts, and emails directly from your iPhone acting as a wireless extension. The incredible design is durable to last for years to come. Included is a longer life battery to allow for longer playing times. Upon purchase there are preloaded courses and free updates. This is included all free without any extra fees or paid subscriptions. Some unique features include the digital scorecard that includes StrokePlay and Stableford to save and print from your computer. For a great addition there is the Garmin Connect, which is an online golf community to play, share, and compare your rounds. This allows you to track your own improvements for each course you play. When it comes to style and GPS technology Garmin is the best. Not only is this a time telling watch, but you can also get an odometer reading and a timer to gauge your time playing each course. Get the best price now on your Garmin Approach S3 GPS Golf Watch.