Considering Various Ball Positions Whilst Chipping - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Considering Various Ball Positions Whilst Chipping - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

PGA Teaching Professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer help you understand how a different ball position can have an impact on the height and stopping potential of your various chip and pitch shots.

I think there's one part of people's game where you have a real opportunity to show some variety some skill some difference in your play and that would be short going on chipping the ball.


PGA Teaching Professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer help you understand how a different ball position can have an impact on the height and stopping potential of your various chip and pitch shots.

I think there's one part of people's game where you have a real opportunity to show some variety some skill some difference in your play and that would be short going on chipping the ball.