If you’re looking to produce high numbers of spin on your shot, you need to be striking the ball very, very consistently. Now, a way to strike the ball consistently is to figure out what happens within the golf swing the standard candles within a golf swing which will produce consistent strikes. Now, one of the keys is to get your hands ahead of the ball at the point of impact. If you can move into impacts with those hands ahead, with that shaft lent forward at impact, you would generally be catching the ball first and then hitting the turf. That downward angle of attack allows the club to pass through the ball, hitting the turf, hopefully in the center of the club face which if there’s enough loft on that, will start to generate lots of backspin.
Now that shift lean in those hands ahead, that is one of the standard candles and maybe one of the most important standard candles that you need to be able to produce spin. There’s lots of different drills that you can use to try and get this right, an easy one to use is with the alignment stick, and you can wipe this down at the end of the shaft or you can hold it to the side of the shaft, it doesn’t make too much difference apart from the amount to speed that you can put in.
Now if I hold this alignment just to the side of my grip you’ll notice here how the alignment passes by my left hip. If I move into impact in my wrist flick and they try and overtake, that alignment stick is going to contact my side. So it’s a groove into practice keeping the hands ahead of the point of impact, you can hit some shots and just try and make sure that that alignment stick passes by the left hand side. It’s often difficult to get it in the right position; one more go. Going through there past the left hand side with a normal setup, shoulders back and through, ball turf contact, and you can check your finish position, you can see here how the shaft, this extended version of the shaft will still be on my left hip and my left wrist is nice and firm. Transferring that up into the rest of the shots and into the rest of the swings [Indiscernible] [0:02:20] ball first and then hit the turf after.