Left Handed Golf Tip: Balance (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tip: Balance (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: Now I always think that when you watch any sports person performing any sporting skill and they perform it well, to a high level, it always looks quite easy. And one of the reasons why they make it look so easy is because they’re very well balanced. Be it from a gymnast, or an Olympic diver, or hopefully, a good golf swing. Everyone who sort of does it to a high level, they make it look easy and it’s the balance that makes it look that way. So if you want to be nice and consistent with your golf, try and make sure you’ve got a good balance.


Lefties only golf tip: Now I always think that when you watch any sports person performing any sporting skill and they perform it well, to a high level, it always looks quite easy. And one of the reasons why they make it look so easy is because they’re very well balanced. Be it from a gymnast, or an Olympic diver, or hopefully, a good golf swing. Everyone who sort of does it to a high level, they make it look easy and it’s the balance that makes it look that way. So if you want to be nice and consistent with your golf, try and make sure you’ve got a good balance.