The Backspin Issue With A Golf Driver (Video) - by Pete Styles
The Backspin Issue With A Golf Driver (Video) - by Pete Styles

In regards to swing plane there's really three options that you could have particularly with a driver one would be the correct swing plane getting the club in the right position one would be a swing plane that's too flat and one would be a swing plane that's too steep. Now with the driver particularly the steep swing plane is one we'd like to avoid particularly if you're noticing that your golf drives the spinning too much.


In regards to swing plane there's really three options that you could have particularly with a driver one would be the correct swing plane getting the club in the right position one would be a swing plane that's too flat and one would be a swing plane that's too steep. Now with the driver particularly the steep swing plane is one we'd like to avoid particularly if you're noticing that your golf drives the spinning too much.