Well a couple of great little drills to make sure that you’re finishing off your Adam Scott posture position with a nice, free hanging motion within your arms. So we’ve established now that we’re going to have good knee flex, good hit position and a nice high head position, but if I were to stand like this and have my hands up that still wouldn’t look very much like Adam Scott and likewise if I got too close to the golf ball and have my hands down here, again, it wouldn’t look much like Adam Scott.
One of the keys to his really good posture and lot of other good players when they have a good posture and the way they set to the ball is they have a really nice sort of free hanging motion with the hands and the arms. So if I get rid of my golf club and just let my hands and arms hang down they both meet each other right down here and actually that’s the most natural place for my hands to be, very much vertical off the shoulders, but not tucked into the body, if I relax them they move out. They’re not out here reaching for the golf ball, because, again, if I relax them they move back in. So my club would sit directly underneath my shoulders in a nice, relaxed, hanging motion.
Another nice little checkpoint just there is if I lower that handle down the club should land just a couple of inches above my kneecap. If I was too far away the club would be below my knee when it touches and of course at half the reach. Likewise, if that was too high up I’d probably be too near to the ball, my hands would be too close to my body.
So to create the perfect Adam Scott type posture and free arm hanging motion just take you’re hands off the club and see where they sit and then hold the golf club at that position and check your distance away from the ball is just two inches above your kneecap and that should mean you’re in the best possible position to start your golf swing.