How Will Choking Down Help Me Improve My Golf Ball Strike? (Video) - by Pete Styles
How Will Choking Down Help Me Improve My Golf Ball Strike? (Video) - by Pete Styles

Choking down on the golf club is this idea of gripping a little bit lower down on the handle. And that’s probably one of the easiest ways of improving your ball striking very, very quickly particularly with your longer golf clubs. So if you feel that as you move through the long iron 3, 4, 5-iron, your ball striking starts to go off a little bit, you’re hitting shots thin, and you’re hitting shots heavy. Gripping down on the golf club just making the club feel half an inch or an inch shorter is one of the fastest ways of improving that strike. You have to also consider it does affect the way ball flies slightly. Because you’re gripping down the club head is now travelling a little bit slower, will therefore produce shorter and slightly lower ball flights. So the big grip at the top is good for distance and height. Gripping down is less distance, less height, but should give you a better strike.

Now, if you find that you’re gripping down on all of your golf clubs, simply those golf clubs cannot be correctly fitted for you, you must have got golf clubs that are either too long or too heavy and you’re finding that you’re better by gripping down on them all the time. That would be a case of going to see a club fitter, and getting the clubs refitted for you or potentially buying a new set. But if you feel that just with occasionally long irons when you don’t want to hit the ball too high, gripping down is probably going to be a good way of getting more control. The club is shorter, it feels lighter and it feels easier to control the club head. But like I stressed, if you’re chocking down all the time, you need to go and get your club reassessed.

Choking down on the golf club is this idea of gripping a little bit lower down on the handle. And that’s probably one of the easiest ways of improving your ball striking very, very quickly particularly with your longer golf clubs. So if you feel that as you move through the long iron 3, 4, 5-iron, your ball striking starts to go off a little bit, you’re hitting shots thin, and you’re hitting shots heavy. Gripping down on the golf club just making the club feel half an inch or an inch shorter is one of the fastest ways of improving that strike. You have to also consider it does affect the way ball flies slightly. Because you’re gripping down the club head is now travelling a little bit slower, will therefore produce shorter and slightly lower ball flights. So the big grip at the top is good for distance and height. Gripping down is less distance, less height, but should give you a better strike.

Now, if you find that you’re gripping down on all of your golf clubs, simply those golf clubs cannot be correctly fitted for you, you must have got golf clubs that are either too long or too heavy and you’re finding that you’re better by gripping down on them all the time. That would be a case of going to see a club fitter, and getting the clubs refitted for you or potentially buying a new set. But if you feel that just with occasionally long irons when you don’t want to hit the ball too high, gripping down is probably going to be a good way of getting more control. The club is shorter, it feels lighter and it feels easier to control the club head. But like I stressed, if you’re chocking down all the time, you need to go and get your club reassessed.