Ernest Jones - Who Was He And How His Personal Hardship Revealed Secrets Of The Golf Swing (Video) - by Peter Finch
Ernest Jones - Who Was He And How His Personal Hardship Revealed Secrets Of The Golf Swing (Video) - by Peter Finch

A name them many people won't know in the history of this great game is Ernest Jones. Now Ernest Jones was from Manchester in the UK and he was a promising golfer until the outbreak of World War one where he went over to find in France a grenade exploded sent shrapnel into his right leg and he have to had the lower half of his right leg amputated.


A name them many people won't know in the history of this great game is Ernest Jones. Now Ernest Jones was from Manchester in the UK and he was a promising golfer until the outbreak of World War one where he went over to find in France a grenade exploded sent shrapnel into his right leg and he have to had the lower half of his right leg amputated.