Slice Golf Shot Drill 6 Baseball swings for rotation (Video) - Lesson by PGA Pro Pete Styles
Slice Golf Shot Drill 6 Baseball swings for rotation (Video) - Lesson by PGA Pro Pete Styles

Now, if we can understand that a slice is caused by club path and the face angle don’t match up. A face angle is used aiming to the right for the right-handed golfer or open and the swing path, it is going left. So if you’re swinging to the left, your face is pointing to the right. Now if you’ve watched the previous drills in this section you should have started to get the club traveling on a slightly battered path, slightly more in-to-out or slightly straighter but if your club phase is still open in relation to that path, your slice won’t have improved yet. In fact, it could now look even worse. It could be more out to the right-hand side because you’re swinging right but the face might still be open to that path. So the next section is we’ve got to try and get the club face to match the swing path or even be slightly closed to the swing path. Now, one of the biggest factors here in a bad slicing action is people aren’t releasing their hands. They’re not using their hands correctly. They’re swinging across the ball and the face points to the right-hand side which is a bit of a concern.

So here in the slicing correction section, we want to get the club traveling on the right line but now we need to get the phase to point more left than the swing path. Now I feel the biggest way to help people do this is to get them releasing their hands a little bit better to square that club phase up. So if a club phase is normally open at impact, that’s causing you problems. I’d like to get that club phase square at impact or maybe even slightly closed at impact. Now if you can go ahead and make rotary golf swings around your body but with the club horizontal to the ground so, from this position where the face is pointing vertically, turn in back around your body, turn it back through around your body and feel how your hands numb quite naturally once it release and rotates particularly in this section in the follow through where the right hand rolls over the top of the left.

If your left hand is staying on top of your right hand at this phase, the face would be open which is going to cause you lots of problems with the ball cutting and moving left to right so swing it back and the phase will be open, swing it through and the phase will close down. Now it’s quite important we get that right hand over and releasing and shutting the club face nice and early in the swing. If we leave it until after you’ve hit the golf ball you would still be slicing or blocking the ball to the right-hand side.

So lots of right hand really early, and feel how it’s actually – you come back to the center line where the camera is, the face should start to feel like it’s pointing down. That’s a really nice exaggeration of this drill. Lots and lots of hand action as you whip your hands over. If you would then relay that to a golf swing, we’re going to have the club traveling on the inside line because the path is good, then you’re going to work your hands with that bottom section to make the club aim more left. The club face should be aiming more left down the swing path if you want to hit draw shots. If you want to hit it straight, the club phase and the swing path can match it nice and straight but if your swing path is going left and your club phase is going right, you’ll still be hitting the left to right shapes either fades or slices so, more hand action, more rotation, would square this club phase up and hit straight to golf shots and eradicate your slice.


Now, if we can understand that a slice is caused by club path and the face angle don’t match up. A face angle is used aiming to the right for the right-handed golfer or open and the swing path, it is going left. So if you’re swinging to the left, your face is pointing to the right. Now if you’ve watched the previous drills in this section you should have started to get the club traveling on a slightly battered path, slightly more in-to-out or slightly straighter but if your club phase is still open in relation to that path, your slice won’t have improved yet. In fact, it could now look even worse. It could be more out to the right-hand side because you’re swinging right but the face might still be open to that path. So the next section is we’ve got to try and get the club face to match the swing path or even be slightly closed to the swing path. Now, one of the biggest factors here in a bad slicing action is people aren’t releasing their hands. They’re not using their hands correctly. They’re swinging across the ball and the face points to the right-hand side which is a bit of a concern.

So here in the slicing correction section, we want to get the club traveling on the right line but now we need to get the phase to point more left than the swing path. Now I feel the biggest way to help people do this is to get them releasing their hands a little bit better to square that club phase up. So if a club phase is normally open at impact, that’s causing you problems. I’d like to get that club phase square at impact or maybe even slightly closed at impact. Now if you can go ahead and make rotary golf swings around your body but with the club horizontal to the ground so, from this position where the face is pointing vertically, turn in back around your body, turn it back through around your body and feel how your hands numb quite naturally once it release and rotates particularly in this section in the follow through where the right hand rolls over the top of the left.

If your left hand is staying on top of your right hand at this phase, the face would be open which is going to cause you lots of problems with the ball cutting and moving left to right so swing it back and the phase will be open, swing it through and the phase will close down. Now it’s quite important we get that right hand over and releasing and shutting the club face nice and early in the swing. If we leave it until after you’ve hit the golf ball you would still be slicing or blocking the ball to the right-hand side.

So lots of right hand really early, and feel how it’s actually – you come back to the center line where the camera is, the face should start to feel like it’s pointing down. That’s a really nice exaggeration of this drill. Lots and lots of hand action as you whip your hands over. If you would then relay that to a golf swing, we’re going to have the club traveling on the inside line because the path is good, then you’re going to work your hands with that bottom section to make the club aim more left. The club face should be aiming more left down the swing path if you want to hit draw shots. If you want to hit it straight, the club phase and the swing path can match it nice and straight but if your swing path is going left and your club phase is going right, you’ll still be hitting the left to right shapes either fades or slices so, more hand action, more rotation, would square this club phase up and hit straight to golf shots and eradicate your slice.