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Should I Hinge My Wrists In the Golf SwingThe wrists should hinge to approximately 90 degrees during the back swing motion. This is important as the
wrist hinge compliments the creation of power by adding an extra lever to the swing to aid the rotation of the shoulders.

The hinge in the wrists means that the club travels around the body much further allowing the club head to accelerate to far higher speeds at impact than if the wrists were kept straight.

Hinging at the wrists should be a natural movement and the weight of the club should assist in its action. They should already begin to hinge by the time the club reaches waist height and should be at full hinge at the top of the back swing.

It is important that the wrists hinge correctly however, too little hinge and power will be reduced, too much and the club will be cast at the top of the back swing as you try to recover the movement, causing mis-hit shots as the swing becomes uncoordinated.

Use your thumb to master the correct
hinge in the back swing to maximize power:

  • Take the golf club away from the ball in a one-piece motion. This is all powered by the shoulders and there should be no wrist movement at all.
  • For right handed golfers as the club reaches the 9 oclock position (the club shaft is horizontal with the ground) you should find that the left thumb is on the top of the golf grip. This is when the wrist hinge should begin.
  • Focus on the left thumb and as the shoulders turn to complete the top of the back swing, hinge at the wrist so that the back of the hand stays flat and in line with the forearm. If this occurs correctly the wrist will only be able to move in a 90 degree range of movement.
  • At the top of the back swing, check that the left thumb is underneath the golf club supporting its weight.

Using your thumb as a checkpoint will hinge the wrists correctly to maximize power and keep the club under control throughout the golf swing.

Sorry Try Again! - See Explanation Below

Hinging the wrists incorrectly causes a loss of control at the top of the golf swing. Make sure that the left wrist stays strong and that the back of the wrist and forearm stay in a straight line.

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This is not caused by hinging the wrists but by flicking, or releasing the wrists too early into the ball.

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There is a difference between hinging the wrists and rotating the wrists. Here the right hand (for right-handed golfers) is too active and is turning the golf club face to the left through impact. Hinge correctly and this will not happen.