The Garmin Truswing Golf Swing Trainer retails for $149,99 (MSRP) and it's built and designed for improving your overall golfing experience. To describe it in a few words, the Garmin Truswing is a very light and small (unobtrusive) gadget which is mounted securely under your club's grip and thanks to its sensors, it analyzes your golf posture, i.e. how your biomechanics are affecting the ball trajectory during your swings and consequentially the shot results. Basically, the Garmin Truswing is your own, personal digital trainer, which analyzes your moves and provides you with sensor metrics, including speed, swing tempo, critical club angles, club path data/measurements and more. All the data collected during your game can be easily uploaded to Garmin Connect online golf community, where you can benefit from 3D swing reviews from experts.
The Garmin Truswing integrates with Garmin Approach golf gear for at-a-glance swing data. All this tech palaver aside, the Garmin Truswing is ideal for golf players seeking to improve their consistency and correct any faulty moves/posture. The sensors will give you all the accurate metrics for perfecting your game and after paying a visit to Garmin Connect online community, you'll see for yourself how important the data really is. Also, you will be able to compare the currently uploaded results with your previous ones and see the improvements, or to discuss them with online advisors or your friends. The Garmin Truswing's sensor offers real time 3D swing animations from within the app, providing you with plenty of feedback instantly, and also with comparisons between two swings, overlaid, helping you to determine with total accuracy where you can/should make changes. The Garmin Truswing sensor is very light, small and it uses a strong clamp on attachment for a secure mount below the grip of any type of club, it works hard and it looks good, so you can fully focus on your favorite game.