How To Get Longer Drives - Chest Turn Speed - Senior Golf Tip

    1. How To Get Longer Drives – Chest Turn Speed – Senior Golf Tip

    To gain more distance from the tee means increasing the speed of the club head through the golf ball. The club swings in a circle around the body and sling shots into the golf ball and it is the turning motion of the shoulders that guides the golf club in this circle. If the golfer can increase the speed of the shoulder rotation in the golf swing, the golfer will gain more speed and therefore more distance.

    Senior Golf Tip 1: Flare Lead Foot for Better Move Through Ball

    2. Senior Golf Tip 1: Flare Lead Foot for Better Move Through Ball

    When the hips lose flexibility, it becomes more difficult to rotate smoothly and powerfully through impact and into the follow-through. Not only does our distance suffer, we may “block” shots the the right or overuse the hands and flip the club, causing the ball to veer left. Limited hip rotation also throws off our weight shift, balance and rhythm. There's a very easy way to improve your ability to get through the golf ball: At address, just point your left foot (right foot for lefties) a bit more toward the target.

    Senior Two-Tee Golf Drill To Help Increase Driver Distance

    3. Senior Two-Tee Golf Drill To Help Increase Driver Distance

    The first thing senior golfers need to understand about the golf swing is that the club continues to accelerate from the top of the backswing to about 8-12 inches after the ball. In fact the fastest point of the golf swing occurs just after the ball when the arms and wrists are fully extended. This mays sound slightly counter intuitive but the same principle applies in most hitting sports – players accelerate through impact, not until impact.

    Are Senior Hybrid Golf Clubs More Forgiving?

    4. Are Senior Hybrid Golf Clubs More Forgiving?

    Hybrids, originally termed rescue clubs, have revolutionised the way amateurs play the game by making once difficult shots more accessible. The reason hybrids are more forgiving than long irons is the club head design which is a combination of fairway wood and a standard iron. By deepening the cavity on the back of hybrids more weight can be moved to the club's perimeter.

    What Is A One Plane Swing And How To Use It Correctly

    5. What Is A One Plane Swing And How To Use It Correctly

    If you swing on one plane you will tend to have a more bent over spine angle at set up and during your swing. You will stand further away from the ball than you would using a two plane method. The stance width will be wider than that of a two plane swing, to provide a good base for the aggressive torso rotation of this method. The left arm will look more snug to the body on a one plane takeaway and the right elbow will move up and behind the body more than the movement seen on a two plane swing. The shaft of the club will be parallel to the target line but more on the inside than the position displayed by a two plane golfer.

    Why A Heavy Putter Head Could Help Your Putting Stroke, Senior Putter Tip

    6. Why A Heavy Putter Head Could Help Your Putting Stroke, Senior Putter Tip

    One hugely overlooked factor in putting is that of the weight of the putter that you use. A senior golfer more than any other can be affected by the weight of the putter because of the way that the weight affects the swing of the putter through the ball. Find out whether a heavy putter head could really benefit your putting with this tip.

    How To Fix A Golf Slice - A Full As Possible Shoulder Turn - Senior Golf Tip

    7. How To Fix A Golf Slice – A Full As Possible Shoulder Turn – Senior Golf Tip

    A slice golf shot can be described for a right handed golfer as one that moves through the air in an uncontrolled left to right curve. It is usually caused when the club head, instead of travelling straight through the ball towards the target, travels across the golf ball in an ‘out to in’ motion – that is right to left across the ball. At the impact position with the ball, while the club head is travelling to the left of the target, the club face points to the right of the target. This causes a glancing hit across the ball imparting spin that causes the ball to curve in the air from left to right. For a left handed golfer these actions are all reversed causing a right to left ball flight in the air.

    How A Right To Left Draw Shot Gets You More Driving Distance - Senior Golf Tip

    8. How A Right To Left Draw Shot Gets You More Driving Distance – Senior Golf Tip

    A draw; golf shot is a shot for a right handed golfer that is a controlled small curve that starts to the right of the intended target and curves in the air to the left, back towards the target. This is reversed for a left handed golfer where the ball starts out to the left and curves back to the right towards the target. There is a definite myth as to why the golf ball travels further with a draw shot. Many golfers think that with a draw shot the ball travels lower with top spin and then rolls further when it hits the floor.

    Consider The Benefits Of A Pause At The Top Of The Backswing - Senior Golf Tip

    9. Consider The Benefits Of A Pause At The Top Of The Backswing – Senior Golf Tip

    We all know that a golf swing needs to be relaxed and fluid so why would there ever be a pause at the top of the golf swing? Find out the benefits with this golf tip. The golf swing travels in two directions: one direction where the golfer swings the golf club back away from the golf ball – the backswing, and one direction where the golfer swings the golf club forwards through the golf ball – the through swing, downswing or forward swing.

    Position Club Shaft To Lean In The Target Direction For Solid Iron Shots, Senior Golf Tip

    10. Position Club Shaft To Lean In The Target Direction For Solid Iron Shots, Senior Golf Tip

    For a truly solid iron strike, the senior golfer should have their hands slightly ahead of the ball at impact with the shaft leaning towards the target. This position will produce the optimal angle of approach, which assuming the ball is struck from the centre of the club face, will affect the resulting shot’s trajectory. The senior golfer can produce the correct amount of backspin, launch angle and distance on any given iron shot by getting the shaft lean correct.