Best Way To Stay Behind Ball During Swing and Impact

1. Best Way To Stay Behind Ball During Swing and Impact

Lots of people have different ideas of how to stay behind the golf ball, but let’s focus on the one that we actually want to work on and that is the most important thing, which is keeping the head still, not down, but keep it still.

Consider the Benefits of a Pause at the Top of the Backswing

2. Consider the Benefits of a Pause at the Top of the Backswing

So, what’s the benefit of having a pause at the top of the backswing? Well, it’s quite easy really when you think about it. One of the biggest faults of golfers is actually getting to the top of the backswing and then coming down hard which causes all sorts of different problems.

Keep the Elbows Together Video

3. Keep the Elbows Together Video

The conversations I often have with all the golfers about how they're trying to generate power, and try to generate distance, and try to keep the distance that they had 10 years ago. And ironically, one of the things they're trying to do to generate distance is probably costing them a lot of distance.

Open Stance Benefit Video

4. Open Stance Benefit Video

Any golfer that has their alignment closed to the target at any age is really restricting how much they can turn their hips through to the target because your hips are already set in a closed position.

Why a Heavy Putter Head Could Help Your Putting Video

5. Why a Heavy Putter Head Could Help Your Putting Video

What benefit would a heavier putter do for you? If a Putter was too light for your hands, then what will tend to happen is you’d basically have a swing which is wavering around, a bit like a figure eight moving all over the place, because it’s just too light.

Low And Slow for Connected Backswing, Video

6. Low And Slow for Connected Backswing, Video

If you want a connected backswing, we need to concentrated on taking the club back low and slow and that’s the best way of getting a connected backswing. The best way of demonstrating this is to think about the shoulders.

Correct Way to Hit Three-Quarter Shots, Video

7. Correct Way to Hit Three-Quarter Shots, Video

A three-quarter shot is all about keeping the backswing under control, so whereas you might have gone to a long of position, we’re now looking at about 9 o’clock, so getting the position at three-quarter of your backswing.

Stop your Backswing Sway for More Power, Video

8. Stop your Backswing Sway for More Power, Video

If you’re actually having a sway off the golf ball, you’re actually losing quite a lot of power. With a sway there’s no real power, there’s no coil, there’s no energy, so if you sway off the ball there’s no power.

Snap Hook, 3 Good Cures To Fix It Video

9. Snap Hook, 3 Good Cures To Fix It Video

A hook grip is when the left hand is wrapped too far over, it will bring the shoulders around and it would force the right hand to go underneath and causing a hook shot.

Big Muscles Help Create Flawless Swing, Video

10. Big Muscles Help Create Flawless Swing, Video

The big muscles can help to create a flow to your swing. The big muscles are basically the trunk and shoulders and if we move the trunk and the shoulders together everything moves together. So, just working on the trunk and the shoulders, they’re the big muscles. The small muscles would be the hands and arms.