Left Handed Golt Tips: How To Cure Toe And Heel Divots During The Golf Swing (Video)
Left Handed Golt Tips: How To Cure Toe And Heel Divots During The Golf Swing (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: When taking heel and toe divots if you correctly identify that pattern, what are the changes you can actually make within your swing to try and improve the consistency of your iron strikes. Now the causes of heel and toe divots, they are not as straightforward and black – as black and white as many people would want.


Lefties only golf tips: When taking heel and toe divots if you correctly identify that pattern, what are the changes you can actually make within your swing to try and improve the consistency of your iron strikes. Now the causes of heel and toe divots, they are not as straightforward and black – as black and white as many people would want.