Left Handed Golf Tips: Short Golf Putt Speed Control Drill (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Short Golf Putt Speed Control Drill (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: In this next little putting lag drill or game it's all about getting the ball to finish beyond the hole but within a very make able range. So what I'm going to do here is set up two little aspects first one is I'm going to set the ball I'm going to hit is three paces away from the hole around about nine to ten feet if you take nice big strides.


Lefties only golf tips: In this next little putting lag drill or game it's all about getting the ball to finish beyond the hole but within a very make able range. So what I'm going to do here is set up two little aspects first one is I'm going to set the ball I'm going to hit is three paces away from the hole around about nine to ten feet if you take nice big strides.