Left Handed Golf Tips: Golf Driving Mastering The Timing (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Golf Driving Mastering The Timing (Video)

Lefties Only Golf Tips: We should now be aware that swing technique and swing position is particularly important with the driver, but there's one overriding factor that also affects this and that's the timing of a golf swing. We can see a golfer who sets up the ball perfectly positions the club really nicely takes the golf club to the top in a great position and then ruins everything on the downswing.


Lefties Only Golf Tips: We should now be aware that swing technique and swing position is particularly important with the driver, but there's one overriding factor that also affects this and that's the timing of a golf swing. We can see a golfer who sets up the ball perfectly positions the club really nicely takes the golf club to the top in a great position and then ruins everything on the downswing.