Left Handed Golf Tips: Golf Course Management For A Three Wood Shot (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Golf Course Management For A Three Wood Shot (Video)

Lefties Only Golf Tips: If I hit a shot with my three wood for you now you'll appreciate this is not a normal sort of three wood shot this is a very different type of shot that I've hit,but I know you can see where that line of arms about a hundred fifty hundred sixty yards down there doesn't get much above head height and comes out like an absolute rocket and there's a time and a place where that shot would be appropriate.


Lefties Only Golf Tips: If I hit a shot with my three wood for you now you'll appreciate this is not a normal sort of three wood shot this is a very different type of shot that I've hit,but I know you can see where that line of arms about a hundred fifty hundred sixty yards down there doesn't get much above head height and comes out like an absolute rocket and there's a time and a place where that shot would be appropriate.