Left Handed Golf Tips: Drills To Stop Deceleration In The Golf Putting Stroke (Video)
Left Handed Golf Tips: Drills To Stop Deceleration In The Golf Putting Stroke (Video)

Lefties only golf tips: So you may now identified that the reason for your decelerating putting stroke is the fact that you might have two big a back swing. Because if you are having a big back swing you have to slow the club down if you swing through what we'd like to do is have a shorter back swing and then accelerate into the putt.


Lefties only golf tips: So you may now identified that the reason for your decelerating putting stroke is the fact that you might have two big a back swing. Because if you are having a big back swing you have to slow the club down if you swing through what we'd like to do is have a shorter back swing and then accelerate into the putt.