Left Handed Golf Question: How Can I Hit Wedges Into Soft Greens (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: How Can I Hit Wedges Into Soft Greens (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: How can I hit wedges into soft greens? Now when hitting wedges into soft greens you need to understand that when the ball pitches, it will either stop exactly where it pitches maybe roll in a touch but it will more than likely have a little bit of back spin on there as well if it’s a well struck shot.


Lefties only golf tip: How can I hit wedges into soft greens? Now when hitting wedges into soft greens you need to understand that when the ball pitches, it will either stop exactly where it pitches maybe roll in a touch but it will more than likely have a little bit of back spin on there as well if it’s a well struck shot.