Ball Compression and Spin – Golf ball manufacturers have made outrageous advancements in golf ball development in just the last 15 years. In years past, the rule of thumb was that better players used high compression golf balls. Nowadays, golf ball companies are making low compression golf balls that are being used by all levels of golfers. You can now take advantage of a ball that gives you maximum distance and low spin with your driver while giving you more spin and feel with your wedges. One golf ball manufacturer is the lone rebel in this area. They maintain that compression has no bearing at all on ball performance. Perhaps they are making this statement with professional players in mind. For me at least, I believe that compression does indeed have an effect on both distance and feel.
Chapter 1: Golf Ball Compression
“Basically, the ‘compression’ rating of a golf ball is a number that relates to that ball’s ability to be compressed.”
Chapter 2:Compression vs Swing Speed
“Does compression really make a difference when trying to pick the right ball for your game?”
Chapter 3: Benefits of Low Compression
“Most of the high-end golf balls on the market today feature a relatively high compression.”
Chapter 4: Your Fit Profile
“If you usually hit your drives less than 225-yards, you should strongly consider a low compression ball.”
Chapter 5: Testing Low Compression
“Low compression golf balls are not for everyone, but they do occupy an important segment of the market.”
Chapter 6: Which Compression is Right for You?
” Faster swingers should use higher-compression balls for better control.”
Chapter 7: Layers Determine Spin, Distance
“There is an argument to be made for the idea that the golf ball is actually the most important piece of equipment in your bag.”
Chapter 8: Backwards Spin
“Backspin can not only be created it can also be controlled to produce different types of spinning shots.”
Chapter 9: Creating Back Spin
“Clean golf clubs and sharp grooves are vital when attempting to create more backspin.”
Chapter 10: Spin IT From The Bunker
” To increase backspin out of a bunker, or with any shot, the golfer must increase their clubhead speed.”
Chapter 11: Low Spin Golf Balls
“If you are a serious golfer, you need to get serious about your golf ball.”
Chapter 12: Sidespin
“The more sidespin, the more curvature.”
Chapter 13: Sand Shot Back Spin
“When your ball comes to rest in a greenside bunker, the explosion shot should be the first option that comes into your head.”
Chapter 14: Covers: Surlyn vs. Urethane
“Urethane is softer than Surlyn and delivers higher spin rates on iron and wedge shots.”
Chapter 15: Ball Evaluation
“If you usually shoot in the low 80s or better, you probably don't want to consider a low spin ball.”
Chapter 16: Best Golf Balls
“Launch monitors are extremely popular when trying to find a new driver, but they can also be useful when trying to select the right golf ball for your game.”
Chapter 17: Pattern Golf Balls
“Of all the trends in golf, patterned golf balls are rising to the top of the list.”
Chapter 18: Ball Fitting
“Even if you play a single model from a specific brand, it may not be the best ball for your game.”