If you’re a golfer and you want to use a GPS on your favorite course, you should know that buying a dedicated device isn’t absolutely necessary if you already have a smartphone. SkyCaddie offers a reliable solution with their SkyCaddie Mobile application for iOS or Android which offers support for ground verified and error corrected maps through the TrueGround Course Maps. Of course, the app doesn’t turn your smartphone into an actual SkyCaddie, but is the next best thing and comes really close to the real deal.
The basic app is available for free in the market stores and delivers support for scorecards, course ratings, tracking, statistics, prices and dress codes for the course and more. The app is also available in a premium version, which requires a $29.95 fee/year or is free if you already own a dedicated SkyCaddie and wish to complete the experience.
The premium membership adds some useful goodies to the package, such as Detailed Green Information (which displays the precise shape of the green and distances from the front, center and back), Measure Any Shot, for measuring how far you hit each club, Auto Hole Advance, for automatically advancing to the next hole and required distance, Interactive HoleVue, that offers an overview of the hole, along with the required ranges from tee to green, SkyGolf 360 Premium Membership, which enables you to store your scores and stats on the cloud, share info with the SkyGolf 360 Community, use Advanced Stats, reports and chats and more.
The SkyCaddie mobile app offers a neat and intuitive user interface that runs smooth and is user-friendly, so you’ll get accustomed to it in no time. Also worth noting is that it’s compatible to Android 4.4 or higher, iOS 7.0 or higher on an iPhone 5 or above.