Offset driverswere brought to market by manufacturers keen to help players struggling with a sliced ball flight.
The offset on the driver sets the club face slightly further behind the shaft than normal. This allows golfers extra time to square the club face through impact and not leave it open. It was introduced to club design back in the 1970s and yet remains the most popular and instantly effective way to give more confidence to players struggling with a slice.
When hitting an offset driver some of the hard work required for a straight ball flight has already been done for you. However, the shot should be approached as though you were trying to hit a perfect drive. Here is a guide of how to practice hitting the offset driver.
1. From behind the ball at the driving range, pick out two targets about 50 yards apart to hit the ball between (this will act as the fairway).
2. Once the fairway has been identified, place some alignment sticks down on the ground to ensure the club face is set square to the middle of the fairway.
3. Remember the body line should be aimed parallel to the left of the target line. Imagine the target line being the outer rail and the inner rail being the aim line.
4. After picking out the target line and aim line, get set up and make sure the ball is positioned just inside the left heel (for a right handed golfer). Positioning the ball inside the left heel will allow a better chance to hit the ball on the upswing and square the club face more easily.
5. Take the club away long and low, trying to get the club as low to the ground as possible on the way back. Allow the club to follow its natural arc inside the ball-to-target line.
6. If you are struggling with a slice, the down swing could possibly see an out to in swing path. Although the offset of the driver head will help square the face, an attempt should be made to return the club on an inside-to-square-to-inside swing path with the club being fully released through impact.
Although using an offset driver is ideal for players struggling with a slice it could become a crutch golfers can’t do without. Every attempt should be made to correct the swing faults which led to the purchase of an offset driver. However, as a short term fix and an example of technology improving a golfer’s chance to hit a straighter ball flight, the offset driver has a number of merits which cannot be ignored.