In golf the back foot position helps create the correct set up and maintain the correct sequence of movements during the swing. In fact, the back foot can restrict or promote the correct hip rotation. Good feet position in golf is key to lower scores.
Ben Hogan authored one of the greatest golf instruction books known as the “Five Fundamentals.” In the book, Hogan places the toes of the back foot perpendicular to the target line. For Hogan, this promoted the correct hip rotation necessary for him to hit solid and consistent golf shots. Hogan’s goal was to avoid an over rotation of the hips during the backswing.
On the other hand, some players are not as flexible and experience physical limitations. Players with poor flexibility might benefit by deviating slightly from Hogan’s teaching. Promote a bigger hip rotation by turning the right foot 30 to 45 degrees toward the right. Flaring the back foot to the right will allow more hip rotation during the backswing.
Players that routinely sway during the backswing can take the right foot and turn it 45 degrees to the left. This will drastically restrict your hip rotation during the backswing. You will instantly feel the moment you sway laterally.
Load in Golf Swing
The term “load” in the golf swing directly affects the weight shift and pressure on the right leg and foot during the backswing. During the backswing the left arm and club create a 90 degree angle. Players that maintain the correct club head lag and weight shift through impact deliver a tremendous amount of power and club speed. Many amateurs try to create a weight shift, however, they accomplish an incorrect lateral weight shift to the back foot and leg. The result is a sway or reverse pivot.
Tour players generate an enormous amount of pressure, or load, with a minimal amount of actual weight shift. This pressure allows the player to load their weight on the right leg and foot and spring forward and explode through the golf ball. Good players avoid an early release and maintain a small angle between the shaft and left arm during the downswing. Therefore, they hold a minimal angle, store additional power and explode through the ball as they release their hands and the angle through impact. When done correctly, the back foot stays fairly still until impact. The result is powerful golf shots.
Load Store Explode Drill
The Load, Store and Explode drill is basically the same as the L to L drill. Begin with your normal set up for a full swing. You can use any club. Next, swing the club back and once the club reaches waist high the wrist will hinge and the left arm is parallel with the ground. The left arm and club form a 90 degree angle. The upper body creates a shoulder turn while the lower body starts to rotate the hips. In golf the back foot should remain flat on the ground during the backswing.
The “Store” portion of the drill allows the club to return back towards impact. The idea is to allow the club to lag behind the hands and store power for additional club head speed through impact. Maintain a 90 degree angle or less for as long as possible. Remember the perfect impact position, a fairly still head, straight left arm and flat left wrist while the club head lags behind the hands.
The “Explode” portion of the drill utilizes the correct release of the stored angle through the golf ball. The productive release maximizes club head speed and distance. The heel of the back foot should be coming slightly up off the ground. After impact the heel visibly comes up while the back toe stays down on the ground. Continue the swing to an opposite position of the loaded backswing. The front foot is flat on the ground and chest faces the target while the right arm is parallel with the ground. After impact there should be a similar 90 degree angle between the right arm and club once the right arm is parallel with the ground.