What Is The Definition Of A Rotary Golf Swing (Video) - by Peter Finch
What Is The Definition Of A Rotary Golf Swing (Video) - by Peter Finch

What is the definition of a rotary golf swing? A rotary golf swing, the concept behind it is to actually power the swing with the major muscles and with the core of the body. So turning the body around on the back swing, and turning it through on the through swing. The only way it kind of differs from the normal technique, is that the only position that you want to really get into on the back swing, is to get the club set in a position where the toe pretty much points up to the sky matching the spine angle, and the club is parallel to the ground. Apart from that everything is powered by a rotation of the body on the way back, so turning the body on the way back, till the top of the swing, and then turning the body on the way through and really powering it with the major muscles. In a rotary golf swing you very much just swing around the spine angle, there isn’t a massive amount of hand action; the hands are very, very quiet throughout the swing. So to hit a rotary golf swing, get yourself in a solid posture, spine angle nice and straight and tilted over, get the club set in this position, but move it away with the shoulders, rotate the body, back and then rotate the body through. And it’s a very good way to actually hit quite consistent golf shots. So if you are feeling your swing is a little bit loose, it’s a little bit kind of out of line, try a rotary motion of turning the body back and turning the body through, and it might work for you.


What is the definition of a rotary golf swing? A rotary golf swing, the concept behind it is to actually power the swing with the major muscles and with the core of the body. So turning the body around on the back swing, and turning it through on the through swing. The only way it kind of differs from the normal technique, is that the only position that you want to really get into on the back swing, is to get the club set in a position where the toe pretty much points up to the sky matching the spine angle, and the club is parallel to the ground. Apart from that everything is powered by a rotation of the body on the way back, so turning the body on the way back, till the top of the swing, and then turning the body on the way through and really powering it with the major muscles. In a rotary golf swing you very much just swing around the spine angle, there isn’t a massive amount of hand action; the hands are very, very quiet throughout the swing. So to hit a rotary golf swing, get yourself in a solid posture, spine angle nice and straight and tilted over, get the club set in this position, but move it away with the shoulders, rotate the body, back and then rotate the body through. And it’s a very good way to actually hit quite consistent golf shots. So if you are feeling your swing is a little bit loose, it’s a little bit kind of out of line, try a rotary motion of turning the body back and turning the body through, and it might work for you.