If you’ve ever watched a great deal of golf on the TV or you’ve taken a series of lessons, I’m sure you’ll have heard at some point of all that about the swing plane. Now here’s a really great way of visualizing that swing plane when you’re practicing yourself and helping to check that you’re on the right swing plane. Now what I’ve done here is I’ve set up a couple of baskets that are about six feet apart and I’ve wedged my 12 sticks in the baskets at the correct swing play. Now you could use baskets if you’re on the practice, on the practice driving range or if you’re on the grass you can just stick them straight into the grass that should work nicely. And the way I’ve picked the angle loads, I’ve actually angled it the same shaft angle as my six sign a normal dress position.
So when I set up now with my six sign here, the stick is just slightly behind where I’d like the club to go and I could make some practice back swings and feel how the club should rise up along the line of the stick. And I’m not going to get the golf club to go too far away from the stick and up and over it. And really importantly, I don’t feel like the club wants to come back and actually hit the stick. That would be too flat. So if I make a good, warm piece take away now, the club gets into a good position here and then the, the stick kind of gives it an angle to point on to go up along that line. And then back down along that line. So it gives me really good visual aid of how I’d like to take the club up and down using that swing plain line as a visual aid.
While as in the follow throw I’ve got the same thing set up over on this side so I can now bring the club up and down on the right line through the impact area, back onto the stick line and then follow the stick up using the same aid of throwing it nice and high up into the follow through staying on that line. What you might find is if you have a tendency to be too far away from this stick, you would generally be too close to this stick on the follow through. And likewise, if you’re too near in hitting this stick, you’ll probably be outside and away from that stick. So you’re either out to in or in to out. If we can get you to use the swing plain line square through to square, you’ll hit straight to shots and shots to have less curve to them in flight as well.