Now we have known for a long while, that Justin Rose has got the swing of a major champion and he is now got that major championship trophy to go with that pure golf swing. And one of the key moves that I really like about Justin Rose is his swing, is his right knee position. It’s a very important part of his swing, as it is for a lot of top golfers, and it’s possibly underrated, for a lot of club golfers, they don’t really notice what goes on down there. And for some people, they are making a mistake in that right knee, they are not really aware, is a problem. So if you look at this swing from down the line, Justin Rose has a very, very good fundamentally sound set and everything looks good, it’s set up. And his right knee has a small flex through it, it’s not bent, but it’s also not locked out. It’s got a little flex, then during his backswing, as he loads up and as he turns into his right side, that right knee works hard to stay where it is.
You could consider the upper body is turning, that wants to turn the trunk and the hips and therefore the knees. So if we let the knee relax too much, it would eventually turn back and screw into a straight position, with a lot of bodyweight on the outside. So Justin Rose is working hard through here to maintain his hip position, to maintain his knee flex. So it definitely doesn’t bend more, but it also doesn’t lock out into a straight position, it keeps the bodyweight there for – on the inside in a nice loaded position. So we can push back across and turn through and that’s Justin Rose’s right knee.
Most top players would do a very similar action with their right knee. So anytime you get an opportunity to watch golf on the TV, and you are seeing from down the line, just look at how these top players are loading their right knee and driving off it. Check out your own swing next time you are on the driving range, either with a little video camera or just into a mirror and see whether you are making the right knee lock. And if you are, copy Justin Rose and that’s a good road to success.