How can I check if I’m on plane golf swing during my golf back swing? Now the first key building block to actually making sure you have it on playing back swing is to make sure your posture is absolutely bang on. Without the correct spine tilt you won’t actually be able to create a plane which travels around your actual spine. So when you get set up make sure that your spine is tilted from the hips over in this direction and that the club shaft and the spine create something like a 45 degree angle or something close to it depending on your relative height and build. But once you get into this solid posture there are a couple of check points that you can use to make sure that you are on plane.
As you take the club away you want to be moving it low and slow to the ground until the point where it reaches parallel with the ground. At this point you want your left hand, your club and your club head to all be aligned. When viewed from down the line so from the cameras view here you can use a mirror to practice this you want the club to be sat pretty much in front of the hands. So far this is an on plane takeaway.
As the club moves up you want the hands to rise to a position where there are pretty much in front of the chest and the putt end of the club points down towards your target line or towards the ball. This is the second key check point of and on plane swing. As you move to the top you want your left arm to be running pretty much across your shoulder line. If the posture is good, the shoulder axis should be tilted towards the ball and if you can get into that position there the club will also be on plane. From there you can turn and actually hit the same checkpoints on the way down and that will produce the straighter shots. So if you do want to know if you are on plane golf swing in the back swing ensure your posture is absolutely bang on and then go through those checkpoints. If you can got through those checkpoints and hit each one you are going to have a very, very good golf swing.