© Callaway Golf
A variation on the Versa #1: the versa #1 wide putter is for those players after a wide flanged club. The blade is a compact shape with the high contrast alignment, double bend and fully off-set shaft. The standard specifications include a 70° angle of lie, a 3° loft and a head weight of 350 grams. This is a right handed club only with standard shaft lengths of 33, 34 and 35 inches. The club can be customised for different shaft lengths, wraps and grips to suit any golfer. Enjoy the quicker and superior roll of the Fusion RX insert that is a combination of the White Hot insert and the Metal X patterned face plate. This insert allows for a reduction in any skidding of the ball when it is first struck and starts a pure roll a lot sooner. The high contrast silver and black Versa alignment allows you to better line up the ball with the face of the putter for better control of direction. The perpendicular alignment line allows for better sweet spot striking of the ball and even if you hit the ball off centre the direction will still be true if you have aligned the ball with the line.
Odyssey Works use the highest technology available to produce a superior club giving you a better golfing experience. You will be a more confident putter with better alignment of putts giving you a more complete game of golf. A repair or replace guarantee is available for two years after purchase which is a backing by Odyssey Works for the quality and workmanship found in their range of golf clubs. They guarantee it can stand up to most of the treatment you can give it.