© Callaway Golf
A heel-toe weighted blade awaits in the Big T Blade putter: the blade head shape has been specifically designed for the new Odyssey Works range of Big T putters. Available for both left handed and right handed golfers, the putter weighs in at just 380 grams with a double-bend shaft with a full shaft off-set. With a loft of 3° and standard lengths of 33, 34 and 35 inches, the lie angle is 70°. Personalisation is available for each golfer with these being just the standard specifications. The blade shaped head allows the Big T design to boldly show the way to the pin and the correct alignment with the ball. A combination of the Marxman and Versa designs, both directions are included in the one putter as not all golfers are the same and some prefer to see ball alignment yet others prefer to see the direction the ball will travel when hit.
The White Hot insert has been added to the patented Metal X face to give superior rolls with minimal to no skidding. The mesh allows for a cleaner strike of the ball. The T line allows you to follow through your full stroke and is strong enough to take any punishment you can mete out. The black graphite shaft allows for minimal reflection and glare and makes for a classy putter different from many on the market. Standing over the putter the Big T is evident showing you the direction the ball will travel once it has been struck. The T is designed for the full follow through of your putting stroke. Odyssey Works fully guarantee your putter and are proud to say they have never had one returned damaged and broken.