The Mizuno JPX-EZ are retailing for $699 the steel version or $899 for the graphite and they fall into the category of Max Game Improvement irons. Even if Mizuno doesn’t strike me as a company that builds huge, oversized irons, with the JPX-EX that’s what you’re going to get. The toe, the cavity and the topline of the JPX-EZ feature a rounded design and the overall impression is that of a sleek looking game improvement piece of golf gear. Looks aside, after playing a few rounds with these babies, I arrived at the conclusion that Mizuno aimed to create a very forgiving set of irons, especially when it comes to the ball hitting the toe of the golf club. This interesting feature will make all the difference in the world for higher handicappers and that’s what game improvement irons are all about, don’t you think?
In my experience, the JPX-EZ is fairly easy to hit from all sorts of lies and the irons provide you with a mid-high ball trajectory (without ballooning), reasonably lower than I would have expected from game improvement irons, and that’s a good thing in my book. Mizuno focused on two other things, along with forgiveness: the sound and feel of the JPX-EZ, two for the price of one, because this is basically a synergy of features, meaning that sound upon ball impact is basically a measure of feel, due to the proprietary technology used into their built. The Harmonic Impact Technology (or HIT) does a very interesting job, i.e. it modifies the sound frequencies thus providing these irons with a nice sound, taken into account the cavity back of the club. The sweet spot of these irons is relatively wide and offers improved feel thanks to the Max Pocket Cavity. Mizuno designed the JPX-EZ irons for aggressive players, but I found that as being a matter related to one’s personal technique rather than a distinctive feature of these lovely irons. Bottom line, if you’re a high handicapper looking for a workable all-rounder set of golf gear, the Mizuno JPX-EZ irons are a match made in heaven for you, offering great value for money in a beautiful form/shape and a classic design, not to mention loads of forgiveness.