The Shoulder Alignment Mirror Dave Pelz retails for $49,95 (MSRP) and it's built and designed for helping you to make great strokes in an easy way, from the optimal alignment position. The Shoulder Alignment Mirror Dave Pelz works by showing you the perfect shoulder alignment, thus promoting a natural swing with the putter on shoulder line. Using the Shoulder Alignment Mirror Dave Pelz, you'll achieve the perfect set up which makes quality strokes easy, shot after shot, round after round, by making your eyes, shoulders and feet to align to aim-line, time after time. How does it work? Well, that's relatively easy and pretty straight forward.
It goes like this: you lay the mirror on the green, and then you put a golf ball in front of it; now, you must aim the red line right at your target. Further more, if you watch closely with your eyes over that red line, you will see your shoulders and their position, then you can move them so they are perfectly aligned, parallel to your putting line. That would be the ideal position for the perfect putting stroke. All you have to do now is to practice day in and day out with the Shoulder Alignment Mirror Dave Pelz, to align your body and make more putts. It's pure genius, don't you think? And its beauty is its simplicity! Using it regularly, you'll be able to check and balance for the ideal alignment, position and stroke, to improve your putting stroke and alignment, to eliminate the 3-putts, to improve your eyes position over ball, your shoulder alignment and putter face alignment for promoting smoother strokes and an overall improvement for your game. What are you waiting for?!