© Ping Golf
The Ping Putting Cradle Training Aid is built for the iPod Touch 4th generation and it will hold an iPod as it clips onto your putter shaft right under the grip, for working together with the iPing application . The iPing app can be downloaded free from the iTunes App Store and after a series of putts, your app will record with pin point accuracy your putting consistency in every area, then it will provide you with a putting handicap (Phcp). As you improve your consistency, the putting handicap gets lower, which is basically the trick to holing the maximum number of putts. The iPing works by using the gyroscope and the accelerometer contained in the iPhone/iPad 4th gen for recording and measuring data, I.e linear acceleration and rotational speed respectively.
The data is analyzed and then consistency is displayed on your display, using 3 different criteria: impact angle, stroke type and tempo. There are 3 different modes: the measure mode, the practice mode and the compare mode. Using the Ping Putting Cradle Training Aids regularly, you'll be able to improve consistency and tempo, to do side by side comparisons of your training sessions or with Ping Tour professionals, to share your results with your friends via emails and post your results on Twitter or Facebook on the fly using your smart phone or other mobile device.