Quite possibly the most the most aggravating aspect of the golf game. You can feel it when it happens, and once the incorrect hip turn begins you are in trouble for the rest of the swing. During this section, I will cover some of the causes of incorrect hip turn, and how to correct them. I know there are tons of sites and articles out there that claim that one they have a cure all to everything, but I will cover what actually works for me and has made me successful throughout my career. Each move can be performed by golfers at any level, and will provide a quick fix to any issue.
The biggest problem that incorrect hip turn can cause, is the flaw it brings to the rest of the swing. For example, if your hips are getting behind your upper body (not turning fast enough), then you have to try and save the swing with your arms and hands… and the results vary immensely. You will see a shot that varies from a hook to a block, and comes with very poor contact. This motion also feels very odd, and I can almost bet you that you have felt this in your swing before. To be honest, it feels absolutely awful, but it is time to fix it and I do have a few remedies that have helped me for so many years.
The first thing I want you to do is grab a bag of balls and keep all of your focus on your lower body. Hit some shots, and focus on keeping your hips, ensuring that they are turning at the same time your upper body is. If you have to swing at about 50% for a while, then that is fine. Take your time and work your way up to 100% power. Don’t rush this portion because we can’t move to the next fix until you are comfortable with your hip turn. Once you are 100% comfortable with your hip turn, then we will move to posture. Yes, posture does play a lot into the hip turn, and an incorrect posture can cause the hips to turn too quickly… or even not fast enough. I want you to address the ball, and use your normal posture. From here, I want you to make sure your back is straight (use a club for help), and make sure you are sticking your butt out. If you need help with this form, simply head to google and the pictures are everywhere. What I have learned over my years, is that having the correct posture will actually help to quiet the lower body, which ensures your hips are turning the way they should be. Take the same approach as with the first drill of focusing solely on your hips. Start at about 50%, and work your way up as you become more comfortable with the new posture. The combo of hip focus on correct posture will give you the fix you are looking for, and your hips should be moving much more consistently with your upper body.
If you are still having issues with your hip turn, then it is time to focus on your front knee. The ideal way to move your front knee throughout the swing is as follows: You want your front knee to move just as your swing moves. When you take the club back, your knee should be pointing behind the ball, and when you reach follow through your knee should be pointing towards the intended target line. This movement does take some time to get used to, so don’t expect this to be the fastest fix in the world. It takes quite some time to get this movement down, because it is such an odd thing to focus on, if you are not doing it correctly you can cause more harm than good. Grab a bag of balls and take to the range. While hitting your full shots, keep your focus on the front knee and its movement throughout the swing. You don’t want to over compensate and have your knee moving everywhere, because this will cause your hips to follow. Simply focus on moving the knee as you move your upper body. Wherever your waist is pointing, your knee needs to pointing as well.
If you are having issues with your hip turn, most of it does come down to simply focusing on the correct movements in your swing. If you can apply the tips I have provided, you will see an improvement in your swing. I do advise that you go in to these drills with the mind