We wish we had better news for you in this article. It would be great if we could say ‘this is exactly where you should place the ball for each of your clubs’. But that isn’t how it works. The ideal ball position not only varies from club to club, but from player to player, as well. Unfortunately, the only way to find the right spot to position the ball in your game is to figure it out on the range for yourself.
That might not be the answer you were looking for, but we aren’t just going to leave it there. We do have some tips to provide which may help you get on the right track sooner rather than later. Before you head out to work on this important key in your own game, be sure to check out the points listed below.
- Start forward with the driver. As you experiment with various ball positions for your driver, start by placing the ball well forward in your stance and gradually move it back until you find a good point. For many golfers, setting the ball up in line with the inside of the left foot is a good spot, so you may want to start there. If you feel like you are having to reach out awkwardly for the ball at impact, try moving it back an inch or two and see how that feels. Not only should you be paying attention to how the swing feels, but you also need to see what the ball flight looks like on each shot. Ultimately, it shouldn’t take too long for you to settle on a comfortable ball position that you can use for the majority of your drives.
- Start in the middle with your wedges. On the other end of the spectrum, you should start your experimenting by placing the ball perfectly in the middle of your stance. In fact, you might end up being able to keep the ball there, as playing wedges from the middle of the stance is a common approach to take. This will let you stay nicely balanced throughout the swing without needing to worry about any notable side to side movement. If playing wedge shots from the middle of your stance doesn’t seem to be working, feel free to move up or back from that point slightly. However, avoid going too far back, as that can lead to trouble. When the ball moves well back in your stance, the swing is likely to get steep and you’ll have trouble controlling your distances.
- Pay attention to contact quality. The main goal for your ball positioning decision should be to achieve clean, solid contact as often as possible. Yes, you want the ball flight to look good, but that should actually be secondary for now to the quality of contact. If you can make solid contact on most of your swings with a given ball position, you should be able to gradually tweak the ball flight that results from those swings. This can be done through a subtle grip adjustment, or even a change to the timing or plane of your swing. However, for now, you want to greatly value the ability to hit the ball solidly. A clean hit is going to do you a world of good when it comes to controlling your distances and eventually hitting your targets on the course.
- Trust your instincts. Sometimes, you will stumble upon a ball position that just feels right. It might not be the textbook spot to place the ball in your stance, but that’s okay. As long as the results are there, and as long as you aren’t required to do anything too wild with your swing in order to make it work, go for it. Your game is unique to you, so you shouldn’t feel restricted to using techniques or positions that are used by many others.
It’s going to take some time to settle on the right ball position for all of your clubs. More than that, it is going to take focus. You can’t just hit a bunch of range balls, one after the next, without thinking about what you are doing. Well, you can do that, but it isn’t going to get you very far. Instead, you should be thinking about your ball position on each swing, and then assessing the results after the shot has been hit. Eventually, this attention to detail will pay off, and you’ll start to settle in to comfortable ball positions for all of your clubs.