Left Handed Golf Question: My Golf Posture Is Bad Because I Bend From The Waist How Can I Stop This (Video)
Left Handed Golf Question: My Golf Posture Is Bad Because I Bend From The Waist How Can I Stop This (Video)

Lefties only golf tip: My golf posture is bad because I bend from the waist, well this is going to cause you a real issue if you don’t prevent this from happening, because bending from the waist is going to cause you to create this kind of see look in your posture, this really curved look at the shoulders.


Lefties only golf tip: My golf posture is bad because I bend from the waist, well this is going to cause you a real issue if you don’t prevent this from happening, because bending from the waist is going to cause you to create this kind of see look in your posture, this really curved look at the shoulders.