- How is your attention span? You should know the answer to this question right off the bat. When at work, for example, do you find it easy to focus on the same thing for many hours at a time? Or are you always looking for a distraction to take your mind off the task at hand for a few minutes? If you happen to have a great attention span – which is rare these days – you might be able to lock in for a serious round of golf. However, if you have trouble staying focused for long periods of time, it will be easier for you to have a light, carefree attitude on the course.
- Are you craving social interaction? What is your motivation for playing golf in the first place? Everyone wants to shoot a low score, but for many people, golf is about more than just competition. If you are motivated to play golf largely because of the social aspect of the game, keep that motivation in mind while establishing your on-course mood. You’ll want to make sure that you are someone that other people want to talk with, meaning you can’t be too serious on the course. If you are focused to the point of ignoring those around you, it won’t be possible to get the social interaction you desire out of this game.
- Are you a natural competitor? Some people are naturally competitive, often to the point where it becomes a problem. If you are someone who lives for competition, you might want to move away from that competitive instinct with regard to your on-course mood. Here’s the thing – golf is not a game that requires intense physical effort. If you are trying too hard while on the course, you will probably be disappointed with the results. So, for intensely competitive people, going in the opposite direction and relaxing the mood on the course can be a good thing. You aren’t at any risk of losing your edge, since you are so competitive to start with, so focusing on the other parts of the game may help you relax and perform at a higher level.

When creating your on-course attitude, you need to remember to be true to yourself. If the mood you adopt on the course doesn’t really match up with your real-world personality, it is going to be hard to maintain over time. For example, a light-hearted person trying to take the game extremely seriously is unlikely to work out. At the same time, a serious person trying to act silly on the course is not going to pan out, either. You need to be yourself at all times, as that is the only way that you’ll ever enjoy consistent results.
Of course, it can be hard to assess your own personality, as it is the only personality you have ever known. To make sure you are taking your on-course mood in the right direction, think about the following points.
It is tremendously helpful to be honest with yourself when building your golf game. This is true of the mental side of the game, and it is true of the physical side of the game, as well. For example, if you are trying to be a power player, but you aren’t naturally powerful off the tee, you are going to struggle. It’s a much better idea to play to your strengths, whatever those strengths may be. Think about your natural personality and structure your mood on the course around that personality.