You're Correct!

What Is The Perfect Golf Down Swing For Clean Crisp Golf Wedge ShotsIf you have done the correct things with your set up, your grip, your stance, your ball position and your back swing, then delivering the club to the ball during the down swing should come easy.

All that you should have to do is turn and pivot around your front leg to strike the ball crisply.

Problems arise when golfers feel they have to help the ball get in the air, manipulating the club by hanging back on their rear leg and flicking the wrists. As the player knows that wedge shots should fly high, their instinct kicks in and they try to help lift the ball in the air. There is enough loft on the club face already, so trust this, keep your weight forward and pivot around your front leg. The hands should be slightly leading the club head and remain passive during the stroke with no flicking or flipping involved.

If you concentrate your efforts on working on your set up and takeaway, making the correct down swing will come a lot easier.

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Wedge shots should fly high and land soft. A lot of golfers let their instinct kick in which result in a leaning back motion to assist in elevating the ball in the air. The problem with leaning back is you are moving the low point of the swing behind the ball and relying on manipulating the club by flicking the wrists, a very inconsistent action.

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If you use the wrists to help elevate the golf ball, you will produce inconsistent strikes and hit the ball inconsistent distances. It is very difficult to time the action of the wrists therefore they should remain passive during the down stroke. There should be enough loft on the club to elevate the ball without any assistance.

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If we drive the handle of the club too far forward on the down swing, you either leave the club face open or de-loft the club face too much at impact. Driving the handle too far forward can lead to a low point of the swing which is too far in front of the golf ball, resulting in contact too low on the face and thinned shots.