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How Can My Grip Effect My Golf Shot Accuracy?Your hands are the only contact that you have with the golf club so positioning them on the handle correctly is crucial if you want to have control over the club face.

If you stand with your hands naturally hanging, you will notice that they naturally hang slightly in front of you and palm inwards to you. When you hold your golf club, your hands are in front of you so naturally they will want to be positioned palm inwards towards you. If you place your hands on the handle in as close to this natural palm inwards position as possible and the club face is aiming at the target, as you swing the club through impact your hands will return to their natural palm inward position and the club face will return to aiming at the target as it strikes the golf ball.

To achieve this palm inwards position, work on the following. Point the fingers on your left hand directly down at the ground and place the handle of the golf club across your fingers, from the middle joint of your index finger to just below your callous pad of your little finger. Close your fingers around the back of the handle and place your thumb on top. Hold about half an inch from the end of the handle. The crucial check points are as follows. You need to be able to hold a coin between your thumb and hand, so there is no gap. This coin needs to be positioned across the centre of the handle and so that it points up towards your right shoulder (right handed golfers).

With your right hand fingers pointing directly at the ground, place the handle across your fingers from the middle joint of your index finger to the callous pad of your little finger. Close your fingers around the back and then place your thumb on top. Do this lower down on the handle than your left hand is. Now slide your right hand up towards your left so that the scooped out part of your right palm sits on top of your left thumb. Now interlock your right little finger with your left index finger and you are holding the club correctly. From this position you will return the club face through impact, back to the position that it began in and if it was aiming at the target, you will now strike accurate golf shots directly at the target.

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How you place your hands on the handle of the golf club is absolutely crucial in relation to your shot accuracy. Your hands are the only contact that you have with the golf club and if you place them on correctly you will hit very accurate shots. Place your hands on incorrectly and you will struggle to hit any of your shots at the target.

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A strong grip sees your hands rotated too much to the right (in right handed golfers). Aiming the club face at the target with this hold will result in your hands rotating more to the left through impact. This will result in the club face rotating left of the target as it strikes the golf ball and the shot will miss the target on the left.

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A weak grip means that your hands are rotated too far over to the left of the handle of the golf club. Swinging the club with your hands in this position will result in the club rotating clockwise through impact, so even though you may have aimed the club face at the target initially, it will be aiming right of target as it strikes the golf ball and as a result, the ball will fly right of target.