When plagued by extra-low iron shots, the first thing to do is check your ball position at address. If it’s too far back (to the right for a right-hander), you’ll hood the clubface and effectively lower its loft. The same thing happens when your ball position is good, but your hands are too far ahead of the ball.
If your ball and hand position are A-OK, it’s time to examine your weight distribution. Excess weight on your left (lead) foot will create a steep downward motion – almost a chopping action – and de-loft the club at impact.
To get your weight proportioned correctly throughout the swing, follow these general guidelines:
The key is to start from a balanced position, then transfer weight efficiently to the right and back left during the swing. Here’s a great tip to learn and ingrain a solid pivot: Proper Weight Shift on Takeaway and Downswing.