Stabilizing Your Short Game Techniques in the Breeze

We have provided you with plenty of information to improve your play in crosswind conditions, but we want to tack on a few extra tips here to wrap up this article. These tips are going to have to do not with your full swing, but rather with the short game. As you know, playing well in the short game is critical on a windy day, as you need to save a few extra strokes which may have been wasted in the long game. To make sure your short game is up to the task in breezy conditions, check out the following tips.
Playing golf in the wind is an advanced skill. As you gain more and more experience playing in these kinds of conditions, you should get better at producing a good score in spite of what the wind is trying to do to your ball. We hope the tips provided in this article will help lead you to some of the best wind play of your golf career. Remember, patience will take you a long way in the wind, so keep your wits about you and make good decisions all day long. Good luck!