What is the reverse overlap grip for putting

The Reverse Overlap Grip for Putting

Golf is a sport that requires precision and control, especially when it comes to the delicate art of putting. A key element in achieving consistency with your putting stroke is the grip you use. The reverse overlap grip is a popular choice among professional golfers and amateurs alike. Let's take a closer look at what the reverse overlap grip for putting entails.

What is the Reverse Overlap Grip?

The reverse overlap grip is a grip style used by golfers to establish a secure and stable connection between the hands and the putter. Unlike the traditional overlap grip, where the pinky finger of the bottom hand overlaps the index finger of the top hand, the reverse overlap grip reverses this placement.

How to Use the Reverse Overlap Grip for Putting

Here are the steps to using the reverse overlap grip for putting:

  • Place your lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) on the putter grip with your thumb extended down the front of the grip.
  • Wrap your fingers around the grip, making sure the putter rests in the lifeline of your lead hand.
  • Place your trail hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) above the lead hand on the grip.
  • Allow the pinky finger of your lead hand to uncoil slightly and rest on top of the index finger of your trail hand.
  • Lightly grip the putter with the fingers of your trail hand, ensuring that your lead hand maintains control.

The Benefits of the Reverse Overlap Grip

The reverse overlap grip offers several advantages for golfers, particularly in putting:

  • Improved Control: By positioning the pinky finger of the lead hand on top of the index finger of the trail hand, the reverse overlap grip encourages the hands to work together as a unit. This promotes greater control and reduces the possibility of excessive wrist movement during the putting stroke.
  • Enhanced Feel: The reverse overlap grip allows for better sensitivity and touch. With the fingers of the trail hand lightly gripping the putter, golfers can better sense the weight of the clubhead and the impact of the ball.
  • Consistency: Using a consistent grip, such as the reverse overlap grip, can help golfers build muscle memory and develop a repeatable putting stroke. This consistency is crucial for accuracy and distance control on the greens.


The reverse overlap grip is a highly effective grip style for putting in golf. By using this grip, golfers can enjoy improved control, enhanced feel, and greater consistency in their putting strokes. However, it's essential to remember that each golfer is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's always a good idea to experiment with different grip styles and consult with a golf professional to find the grip that suits you best. So, grab your putter and give the reverse overlap grip a try – you might just find that it elevates your putting game to new heights!