What is the interlocking grip

The Interlocking Grip in Golf

Golfers use various grips to hold the club in order to achieve optimal control, power, and consistency in their swings. One popular grip technique is the interlocking grip, which is widely used by both amateur and professional players. In this article, we will explore what the interlocking grip is and how it can benefit golfers.

Definition of the Interlocking Grip

The interlocking grip is a way of holding the golf club that involves interlocking the pinky finger of the trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) with the index finger of the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers). This creates a secure connection between the hands, providing stability and control during the swing.

Advantages of the Interlocking Grip

  • Improved connection: The interlocking grip allows for a tighter connection between the hands, ensuring that they work together as a unit throughout the swing. This promotes better clubface control and reduces the chances of the hands slipping or becoming disconnected during the swing.
  • Increased power: By having a secure grip, golfers can transfer more power from the body to the club. This results in increased clubhead speed and distance, allowing for longer shots off the tee and better overall performance.
  • Greater control: The interlocking grip provides a more stable base for the hands, allowing for better control over the clubface. This control is essential for achieving desired shot shapes and trajectories.
  • Consistency: With consistent hand placement and connection, the interlocking grip helps golfers develop a repeatable swing. This leads to improved shot consistency and accuracy.
  • Reduced tension: Many golfers find that the interlocking grip promotes a more relaxed and natural feel in their hands. This can help reduce tension and promote a smooth, fluid swing.

How to Use the Interlocking Grip

To use the interlocking grip, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the club with your lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) and position it diagonally across your fingers, with the grip extending from the base of your little finger to the first joint of your index finger.
  2. Place your trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) on the club, with the pinky finger resting between the index and middle fingers of your lead hand.
  3. Ensure that your grip pressure is firm but not overly tight. Your hands should feel connected, yet comfortable.
  4. Position your thumbs on top of the club and make sure they are aligned along the club's shaft. This promotes unified hand movement during the swing.


The interlocking grip is a popular and effective technique for golfers to hold the club. It offers numerous benefits, including improved connection, increased power, greater control, and enhanced consistency. By mastering the interlocking grip and practicing it regularly, golfers can enhance their performance and game enjoyment.