Handling a Bunker Shot with a Buried Lie

One of the most challenging shots in golf is a bunker shot with a buried lie. This occurs when the ball sinks deep into the sand, making it difficult to escape the bunker and land the ball on the green. However, with the right technique and approach, you can effectively handle a buried lie and improve your chances of a successful shot. Here are a few tips to help you navigate this challenging situation:

  • Evaluate the lie: Assessing the lie is crucial before attempting any shot. In the case of a buried lie, observe the depth at which the ball is sitting in the sand. This will give you an idea of how much force you need to apply to lift the ball out of the bunker.
  • Select the right club: When faced with a buried lie, it's important to choose the correct club. Opt for a sand wedge or a lob wedge, as these clubs have a higher loft and better capability of getting under the ball and lifting it out of the bunker.
  • Open the clubface: To increase the loft and launch angle of your shot, open the clubface slightly. This will help you get more height on the ball, allowing it to clear the lip of the bunker and land softly on the green. Remember to maintain a firm grip on the club to prevent it from twisting in your hands during the swing.
  • Position the ball: Placing the ball slightly forward in your stance will help you achieve a steeper angle of attack. This is crucial when dealing with a buried lie, as it allows the clubhead to get underneath the ball more effectively.
  • Adjust your stance: To maintain balance and stability, widen your stance slightly by positioning your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. This will provide a solid base to generate power and control throughout the swing.
  • Apply an aggressive swing: With a buried lie, you need to apply more force to lift the ball out of the sand. Adopt a steeper and more aggressive swing, being mindful of maintaining good rhythm and tempo. Focus on accelerating through the shot, striking the sand a couple of inches before making contact with the ball.
  • Control the distance: Since a buried lie can result in a shorter shot, it's essential to adjust your swing to control the distance. Practice different swing lengths and force application to fine-tune your ability to control the distance the ball travels after leaving the bunker.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Dealing with buried lies in bunkers requires skill and practice. Head to the practice bunker and dedicate time to mastering this shot. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become and the better your chances of successfully handling a buried lie during a round.

Remember, a bunker shot with a buried lie can be challenging, but with the right technique and practice, you can navigate this situation effectively. Evaluate the lie, select the right club, open the clubface, position the ball correctly, adjust your stance, apply an aggressive swing, control the distance, and dedicate time to practice. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to successfully handling buried lies in bunkers and improving your overall performance on the golf course.