Spine tilt is an essential aspect of the golf swing that can greatly influence your ball striking and overall performance. Let's dive into the details: Golf Spine Tilt

  1. Understanding Spine Tilt: Spine tilt refers to the angle at which your spine leans away from the target at address and throughout the swing. The two primary types of spine tilt in golf are called “reverse spine tilt” and “stacked spine tilt.”
  • Reverse Spine Tilt: This occurs when the upper body leans toward the target, causing the spine to tilt away from the target. It often leads to inconsistent shots, loss of power, and potential injury.
  • Stacked Spine Tilt: This is the desired spine tilt in a proper golf swing. It involves maintaining a straight posture while tilting the upper body slightly away from the target. It helps promote a more efficient and powerful swing.
  1. Setup Position: To achieve the correct spine tilt, follow these steps:
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Position the golf ball slightly forward of center in your stance.
  • Bend forward from your hips, maintaining a straight back.
  • Allow your arms to hang naturally in front of you.
  • Tilt your upper body slightly away from the target, creating a slight angle with your spine.
  1. Key Points to Remember:
  • Avoid excessive forward or backward leaning. Your upper body should be balanced and centered.
  • Maintain a natural curve in your lower back. Avoid rounding or arching your back excessively.
  • Keep your head relatively still and centered. Excessive movement can affect your balance and swing path.
  • Allow your shoulders to rotate freely during the swing, while maintaining the spine tilt.
  1. Practice Drills: Here are a few drills to help you develop a proper spine tilt:
  • Mirror Check: Stand in front of a mirror and go through your setup routine. Check your spine angle to ensure you're maintaining the correct tilt.
  • Alignment Stick Drill: Place an alignment stick on the ground along your target line. At address, position another alignment stick against your upper back, running parallel to the first stick. This will help you feel the proper spine tilt throughout your swing.
  • Slow-Motion Swings: Practice making slow, controlled swings while focusing on maintaining the correct spine tilt. This will help you ingrain the correct motion before gradually increasing your swing speed.

Remember, it's essential to work with a golf professional or coach who can provide personalized feedback and guidance based on your specific swing characteristics. They can help you refine your spine tilt and make any necessary adjustments to improve your overall golf game.